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Scientific Committee

Binnur Sagbas


Yildiz Technical University



Assoc.Prof. Dr. Binnur Sagbas is Mechanical Engineer and her research interests are additive manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing, biomaterials, surface post processing, coatings, tribology, biotribology and manufacturing metrology. She is the head of the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Laboratory and coordinator of the YTU-Additive Manufacturing Research Group. She conducted more than 25 scientific projects and has more than 40 scientific papers, 8 book chapters and 50 proceedings about additive manufacturing, surface modification, tribology and manufacturing metrology. She is the editorial board member of International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry and Advanced Manufacturing Research and was Chair of 7th International Congress on 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry 2023. She is the board member of the Turkish Additive Manufacturing Association (TAMA) and Vice Dean of Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul Turkiye.

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