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Scientific Committee

Claas Müller

Furtwangen University



Claas Müller, professor at Furtwangen University, head of the Core Facility 2 at the Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT) and director of Microfabrication Center, as well as academic director at Laboratory for Process Technology at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) at Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, has a solid research background, extensive industry experiences and a professional teaching portfolio. Claas Müller is a leading expert in the fields of MEMS technology, sensor design and engineering, LIGA technology, ultra-precision machining, polymer-based nanoimprint lithography as well as Silicon- and diamond-based material processing. In the last couple of decades, he has published over 200 scientific articles in reviewed journals and international conferences. As the owner of 72 patents, he has made a successful cooperation with different industry partners during the last years.

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